You will always find a welcome that is warm and a spirit that is loving at First Baptist Church in Byers.

Weekly Schedule

Join us weekly on Sundays for Bible Study at 10:00 A.M.

  • Classes for children, youth and adults
  • Childcare available for children 5 years old and younger

Morning Worship Hour 11:00 A.M.

You’re Invited On Wednesdays 6:00 P.M.

  • Praver Time
  • Pot Luck Supper (everyone brings a dish)
  • Fellowship & Activities

Second Monday Each Month at 6:00 P.M. Women’s Missionary Union (WMU)

  • Supper/Mission Study/Mission Project

Our Beliefs


  • The Trinity of God
  • Verbal, Plenary Inspiration of Scripture
  • Total Depravity of Natural Man
  • The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ
  • His Blood Atonement
  • His Bodily Resurrection
  • The Personal and Imminent Return of Christ
  • The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
  • Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ Eternal Security of the Believer
  • The Autonomy of the Local Church
  • Worldwide Missions- the Obligation of Every Church
  • A Regenerated Church Membership
  • Reality of Heaven and Hell
  • Priesthood of the Believer
  • Two Ordinances: Baptism & The Lord’s Supper

Who We Are

It is our desire to honor God, and to reach our community for Christ. We want the members of our congregation and those who attend to have a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ. As a congregation of believers, we want to make a difference in the community of Byers by coming alongside the community and sharing the life-changing truth that Jesus saves.

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